Child Headed House Holds Project (CHH)

This projects aims at supporting and empowering vulnerable children in child headed households socially and economically in order to remain and complete school and access basic needs. The project is being implemented in the sub counties of Bugaaki and Nyantungo in Kyenjojo District which are characterized by vulnerable children who do not go to school and for those in schools cannot go beyond primary seven. The burden is further made worse by the high poverty levels at household level with little food, limited access to medical /health facilities, limited access to scholastic materials, poor housing facilities and low incomes among others. These have led to early marriages, child labour and psychological torture which need to be addressed for the children to develop their full potential.The proposed project will strengthen the capacity of the orphans full potential.

The proposed project will strengthen the capacity of the orphans and vulnerable children at household level by supporting them with additional income generating business ,diversification of the earlier established piggery projects and also providing better shelter to those living in poor houses Under the project, the community volunteer groups will support(physically and technically) the target households to expand their business and food gardens to ensure children get enough food to eat and have a balance to sell to meet their basic needs of life.

1. To empower 37 orphaned households with additional business to enable them earn daily.

2. To strengthen the capacity of the 37 households to manage and expand their IGA and pass on the skills to orphans in other household.

3. To improve on the conditions of living of orphans through construction of new houses and face lifting the existing ones.

These HH are supported with piggery project (2 pigs male and female), business start-up capital equivalent to 250,000 UGX, establish food gardens and also construction of houses for those staying in very poor shelter.

All these interventions are supported by the local government structures like the CDO, LC1, LC111 and the mentors who are attached to these households to offer parental care to these OVC.

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