Economic empowerment To support Child Headed Households (CHH)

This projects aims at supporting and empowering vulnerable children in child headed households socially and economically in order to remain and complete school and access basic needs. 

Promotion and protection of children rights

RIDE AFRICA has been engaged in promotion and protection of human rights especially Women and children’s rights Rwenzori Sub Region.

Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA)

Supporting and sustaining economic empowerment of OVC through VSLA for 06 communities (schools) and Human Rights Ambassadors.The project is implemented in Karugutu and Kibuuku Town Councils Karugutu and Nombe Sub counties.

Action to strengthen the capacity of Women’s Grassroots CBOs and communities to influence institutions to advance progress on GEWE, and EVAWG prevention and response (CoATC).

Working in partnership with the CoACT’s members and respective District Local GovernmentsHuman Rights and Democracy Link (RIDE- Africa) in Kyegegwa, Karambi Action for Life Improvement (KALI) in Kamwenge and Teso Karamoja women Peace Initiative (TEKWIP) in Kumi district,


Violence Against Children

RIDE AFRICA has been engaged in promotion and protection of human rights especially Women and children’s rights Rwenzori Sub Region.

Our Partners

Our Head Office

Kaija Road
P.O.Box 870, Fortportal
Tel: +256772463522

Western Region Offices

Rwenzori Regional Office
Plot 18, Mugurusi Road.
Fort Portal Municipality
Fort Portal.
Tel: 0772463522

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