The project, Community-Facility Health Facility Framework was implemented in 8 sub counties, including Karangura, Karago, Kicwamba, Bukuuku, Karambi, East Division, West Division and South Division of Kabarole district with partnership with 9 health facilities including Fort-Portal Regional Referral Hospital, Kasusu HC III, Karambi HC III, Kagote HC III, Mucwa HC III, Kicwamba HC III, Bukuuku HV IV and Kataraka HC IV.

RIDE-AFRICA also supports 3 PHA groups that were assessed and sub-granted to implement key activities aligned to the MOH/UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets geared at bridging the existing gap of comprehensive HIV/AIDS service delivery in the communities served. RIDE-AFRICA therefore identified, recruited and trained 35 Community health workers and 20 Para social workers to support the provision of HIV/TB community based care and strengthen community to facility referrals through CDOs/ Health facilities for clients requiring services. With support from Baylor Uganda, Linkage desks were established and 8 Linkage and Referral Assistants identified, trained and supported in 8 health facilities to coordinate referral processes with the identified PHA groups.

As a result of the bi-directional linkages, 3,603 individuals were referred from the community to the facilities and of these 3,565 received the service indicating up to 98.9% completeness of referrals. The number of referrals from facility to community this quarter was 953 individuals and of these 912 received the service in the community indicating 95% completeness of referrals. The service most referred for to the health facility was HTS representing 57% of the overall services referred for.

The retention of all clients living with HIV in care from 87% to 91%. More tailored interventions aimed at ensuring clients are differentiated to receive ART in the most convenient way to improve retention. Additionally these Community Health Workers working alongside 8 sub-county have been empowered to strengthen OVC programming (with support to 5 core program areas; child protection, health, education, food security and economic strengthening) across 3 of the 8 Sub Counties of the district (Kicwamba, South Division and Karambi).

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P.O.Box 870, Fortportal
Tel: +256772463522

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Plot 18, Mugurusi Road.
Fort Portal Municipality
Fort Portal.
Tel: 0772463522

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