RIDE-AFRICA in partnership with Save the Children implemented Youth in Action project since 2013 in the six communities/Sub-Counties within the districts of Ntoroko (Bweramule, Nombe, Butungama, Karugutu, Rwebisengo and Kanara Sub Counties) and Kabarole (Kabende, Katebwa, Karangura, Rweetera Sub Counties).

The programs goal aimed at improving the Socio-Economic situation of 21,770 vulnerable, out of school, young people aged 12 – 18, both boys and girls, living in rural areas in 3 districts of Uganda, 26 sub counties in 3 Districts.

RIDE AFRICA enrolled 19 cohorts for completion of this program.

Youth in Action (YiA), was a six-year youth learning and livelihoods

program in partnership with MasterCard Foundation. The program worked to improve the sustainable livelihoods of over 12,000 out-of-school girls and boys in Uganda. Finally the project that RIDE-AFRICA in partnership with Save the children implemented has come to an end this year 2018 with a lot of strides achieved both among the beneficiaries (youth) and the implementing organisations.

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Mugurusi Road
P.O.Box 870, Fortportal
Tel: +256772463522

Western Region Offices

Rwenzori Regional Office
Plot 18, Mugurusi Road.
Fort Portal Municipality
Fort Portal.
Tel: 0772463522

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