RIDE-AFRICA in partnership with Save the Children implemented Youth in Action project since 2013 in the six communities/Sub-Counties within the districts of Ntoroko(Bweramule, Nombe, Butungama, Karugutu, Rwebisengo and Kanara Sub Counties) and Kabarole (Kabende, Katebwa, Karangura, Rweetera Sub Counties).
The programs goal aimed at improving the Socio-Economic situation of 21,770 vulnerable, out of school, young people aged 12 – 18, both boys and girls, living in rural areas in 3 districts of Uganda, 26 sub counties in 3 Districts.
RIDE AFRICA enrolled 19 cohorts for completion of this program.
Youth in Action (YiA), was a six-year youth learning and livelihoods
program in partnership with MasterCard Foundation. The program worked to improve the sustainable livelihoods of over 12,000 out-of-school girls and boys in Uganda.Finally the project that RIDE-AFRICA in partnership with Save the children implemented has come to an end this year 2018 with a lot of strides achieved both among the beneficiaries (youth) and the implementing organisations.